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- Written by Super User
- Category: Consular
- Hits: 485
New – With effect from 07th February 2025
Documents required
- An application for requesting certified copies of Birth, Marriage and Death certificates
Click here to download the application
- A copy of the passport (Bio page)
- The applicant may substitute an individual to apply along with a letter of authorization with a clear signature and a copy of the bio page the passport
- The fee for one certified copy is USD 22.00
- Fees should be paid by Cash (only if application is submitted in person)
- By post - The Money Order or Certified Check should be made in favor of the “Embassy of Sri Lanka". Please note that personal checks will not be accepted.
By Post/Mail
If the return of the certified document is required by mail, applicants in the USA may choose one of the following options and make payment with the application fee.
Federal Express - $ 20.00
International mailing fee - $ 35.00 (outside USA)
In-person visits
The Consular Division is open from Monday to Friday (9 am to 5 pm) except for holidays declared. The physical and mailing address is as follows,
3025 Whitehaven Street NW
Washington DC, 20008
- The e-BMD database contains Birth, Marriage, and Death certificates registered from January 1, 1960, onwards. Also, alterations made to a certificate after its initial update may result in a delay in updating the system.
- If a certificate is not found in the database, the applicant will be notified via email, and the application will be forwarded to the Register General Department in Maligawatta, Sri Lanka. The applicant will be informed of this action and it may take additional time to proceed such applications.
- This Embassy is not responsible for any document lost in the post.
- Submission of forged documents and making false declarations is a punishable offence. Fees will not be refunded in these circumstances.
- Incomplete applications will be rejected.
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Consular
- Hits: 26139
- Annex01- - Application for Foreign Pension
- Annex02 - Life Certificate-2019
- Annex03 - Letter of Consent
- Annex04 - In Case of Widow/Widowers Pension Part-I Affidavit I
- Annex05 - Widows/Widowers Decleration Part-II
- Annex06 - Transfer of Pension Of Overseas Pension To Another Acccount
- Annex07 - Bank of Ceylon, Metropolitan branch
- Annex08 - Peoples Bank, Queens Branch
- Annex09 - Pan Asia Bank, Borella Branch
- Annex10 - Hatton National Bank, Maligawatta Branch
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Consular
- Hits: 119993
Trace your application status: https://slembassyusa.org/tracking/
Inquiries : visaofficerThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It is advisable to obtain a new passport at least 6 months prior to expiry of your current passport.
Validity of a passport cannot be extended beyond 10 years from the date of issue. (Renewal of passport is no longer practiced)
Under normal circumstances it takes around 8 to 12 weeks to process a Passport application. Please note that the processing time may be varying by case by case. Applicants are advised to apply for new passports well in advance with all supporting documents to avoid inconveniences.
If your passport is lost ,please submit Police report along with the application.
Inclusion of children in the parents's passport will no longer be allowed and the children will be issued separate passports. Children under 16 years of age also should obtain separate passports with the consent of both the parents.
a. Duly filled Application -(click here for Application)
How to fill the application – (Specimen)
b.Three Photographs (Colour, 3.5 cm x 4.5cm or 2” x 2” , photographs should be clear/fresh, without spectacles and shadow, taken within a 3 months. Both ears should be clearly visible). Please note that issuance of a new passport will be delayed if specifications are not met.
c. Most recent passport
d. Fresh/ Original Birth Certificate (should be taken within six months) It can be submitted directly to the Department of Immigration & Emigration through applicant's representative or certificate to prove Sri Lankan citizenship (Annex 1)
e. Original Dual Citizenship Certificate and a copy of Foreign Passport (If the applicant is a dual citizenship holder)
f. If you wish a profession to be included on the passport;
- If the profession needs high level of qualifications,(Doctor, Engineer, Accountant, Quantity Surveyor, etc..) the applicant must provide Academic/professional certificates and letter of appointment/offer letter.
- For other executive professions, a service letter should be provided.
- For unskilled jobs (e.g., labor, house made) no document is required.
If you wish not to include a profession on the passport, you may leave the profession field unfliied.
g. Original Marriage certificate (if you have changed your maiden name or wish to change name after marriage.
h. A document to prove continuation of Sri Lankan citizenship;
Certified photocopy of A valid visa , valid permanent resident card, or An Affidavit (Annex II)
- Letter on Cancellation of refugee state or asylum seeker rejection letter or case completed document
i. Copy of Sri Lankan National ID, Dual citizens are advised to obtain a new National ID. (for information please visit www.drp.gov.lk)
j. Police Report and form D (if the passport is lost) (Annex IV)
k. Parent's Consent Letter(if the applicant is under 16 years age)
l.Parent's Passport copies (bio Page and Children page) (if the applicant is under 16 years age)
m. If the applicant was born outside Sri Lanka, a copy of the Sri Lankan citizenship Certificate should be submitted along with the application. If such applicant is over 21 years old, he or she should submit an affidavit (Annex V) that they will retain Sri Lanka citizenship in addition to the citizenship certificate
a. for M or N series passport holders - $ 158.00 b. for L,K and J series passport holders - $ 373.00
b. Minor passport (Issue only for 3 years) - $ 129
For Lost passports
If the passport copy is available – $ 373.00
If the passport copy is not available- $ 473.00
Returning of documents and new/old passports
Your documents & old passport will be returned with the new passport.
If you desire to receive documents/passports by courier additional charges apply
Federal Express ( FedEx) - $ 20.00 International mailing fee - $ 35.00 (for applicants from Aruba/ Mexico )
Please note that prepaid self addressed envelopes / shipping labels are not accepted.
Methods of Payments
By cash - If application is hand delivered only. No payments by bank cards
Money orders or certified checks should be made in favor of " Embassy of Sri Lanka"
Please note that personal checks are not accepted.
1.Application should be filled preferably in BLOCK letters
2. Three photographs should be furnished as specified in the application. Please ensure that the signatures are confined to the cages provided immediately below the photographs.
3. If the applicant doesn't submit the application in person to the Embassy ,the signature of the applicant in the client undertaking section should be verified by a Notary, Medical Practitioner, Solicitor, Chief incumbent of Sri Lankan temple, Professor of University or a person of similar status living in the USA.
4. If your passport is lost ,please submit Police report along with the application.
5. The photograph should be clear, good quality, fresh (current picture) , without spectacles and with open ears.
6. The application and original documents should be submitted along with photocopies.
Notes: * This Embassy is not responsible for any document lost in the post
* Submission of forged documents and making false declarations relating to citizenship is a punishable offence. Fees will not be refunded in these circumstances.
* Incomplete applications will be returned and consular fees will not be refunded.
You can submit the application to the consular division of the Embassy by post or by hand. The Consular Division is open from Monday to Friday (9 am to 5 pm). The physical and mailing address is as follows,
3025 Whitehaven Street NW Washington DC, 20008
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Consular
- Hits: 31922
Fees and Methods of Payment
Note: All fees are subject to change without notice due to currency fluctuation.
Passport Fees:
Type of Service | Fees |
Passports | US$ |
Adult (10 years) - M or N series passport holders | 158.00 |
Adult (5 Years) - L, K and J series passport holders | 373.00 |
Child passport (3 years) | 129.00 |
Lost passport – if copy is available | 373.00 |
Lost passport – if copy is not available | 473.00 |
Amendments to the passport | 12.00/each |
Emergency Travel document (6 months) - if previous travel document is available | 54.00 |
Emergency Travel document (6 months) - if previous travel document is lost | 169.00 |
Visa Fees:
Please click here for up to date Visa fees.
Type of Service | Fees |
Visas | US$ |
Tourist Visa – short-term (less than 30 days) | 50.00 |
Tourist Visa – long-term (5 Year multiple entry) | 135.00 |
Business Visa – short-term (less than 30 days) | 55.00 |
Business Visa – long-term (less than 90 days) | 55.00 |
Transit Visa – if less than 48hours | Free |
Transit Visa – if more than 48hours | |
Diplomatic and Official Visas | |
Journalist Visa – Less than 30 days | |
Journalist Visa – More than 30 days | |
Residence “Entry” Visa – after approval from DI&E | 50.00 |
Consular Fees:
Fees effective 1 January 2023 based on the Gazette Extraordinary No: 2306/35 of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (published on 16 November 2022).
Type of Consular Service | Fees |
Registration of Birth | US$ |
Registration and issuance of a Birth Certificate | 37.00 |
Issuance of a certified copy of a Birth Certificate | 22.00 |
Surcharge for applications delayed for over more than 1 year | 5.00/Year |
Citizenship Certificate | 50.00 |
Registration of Death | US$ |
Registration and issuance of a Death Certificate | 22.00 |
Issuance of a certified copy of a Death Certificate | 22.00 |
Documents relating to burial/cremation of human remains | Free |
Documents relating to dispatch of human remains | Free |
Issuance of letter to repatriate human remains or ashes of an Ex-Sri Lankan | 30.00 |
Registration of Marriage | US$ |
Application of a Marriage License under Section 24 (Notice of Marriage) | Free |
Notice of a Marriage (General/Kandyan) | 30.00 |
Registration and issuance of a Marriage Certificate (General/Kandyan/Muslim) | 47.00 |
Registration of a Marriage under Special License (General/Kandyan) | 60.00 |
Issuance of certified copy of a Marriage Certificate (General/Kandyan/Muslim) | 22.00 |
Attestation, Certification and Authentication (Legalization) of Documents | US$ |
Caveat order | 30.00 |
Attestation of a document as Justice of the Peace | 68.00 |
Swearing or affirming an affidavit | 68.00 |
Administrating an oath or affirmation | 68.00 |
Attestation of Power of Attorney or Proxy | 68.00 |
Issuance of a certified true copy | 12.00 |
Issuance of a “No Objection” Certificate | 30.00 |
Attestation of a document (except exports documents and educational certificates | US$ |
- If the document belongs to a Sri Lankan national | 43.00 |
- If the document belongs to a foreign national | 47.00 |
Attestation of educational certificate | 12.00 |
Attestation of set of export documents | 60.00 |
Attestation of a Document through E-DAS | US$ |
Submit a document via e-Das (Sri Lankan National) | 37.00 |
Document Attestation via e-Das (Sri Lankan national) | 43.00 |
Submit a document via e-Das (foreign national) | 49.00 |
Document Attestation via e-Das (Foreign National) | 47.00 |
Payment of Pensions to Sri Lankans overseas | US$ |
Submission of Life Certificates to the Department of Pensions | Free |
Other Documents | US$ |
Issuance of all other letters/certificates (Sri lankan National) | 43.00 |
Translation of Documents | US$ |
For first 100 words (Sri Lankan National) | 43.00 |
For additional 25 words | 7.00 |
For first 100 words (Foreign National) | 65.00 |
For additional 25 words | 7.00 |
Dual Citizenship:
Type of Service | Fees |
Dual-Citizenship | US$ |
Application processing fee | 30.00 |
Police Clearance Certificate:
Type of Service | Fees |
Police Clearance Certificate | US$ |
Application processing fee | 11.00 |
Repatriation of Sri Lankan Nationals:
Type of Service | Fees |
Repatriation of Sri Lankan Nationals | US$ |
Application processing fee | 60.00 |
Sri Lanka Driver’s License for Sri Lankans living overseas:
Type of Service | Fees |
Sri Lanka Driver’s License | US$ |
Renewal of Driver’s License | 115.00 |
Late fee charged per lapsed year | 5.00 |
Duplicate of Driver’s License | 115.00 |
Change of personal details on Driver’s License | 115.00 |
Bringing Pets to Sri Lanka:
Type of Service | Fees |
Bringing pets to Sri Lanka | SL Rs. |
Stamp fees to be paid on arrival in Sri Lanka | 5.00 |
Customs fees to be paid on arrival in Sri Lanka – per pet | 250.00 |
Returning Documents:
Type of Service | Fees |
Returning Documents | US$ |
Via FedEx | 20.00 |
International mailing | 35.00 |
Note: Self-addressed envelopes and/or shipping labels are not accepted. |
Methods of Payment:
Please use the following payment methods:
- Money Orders or Certified Checks should be payable to "Embassy of Sri Lanka"
- Payment by cash is acceptable only if the application is hand delivered to the Consular Section at the Embassy.
- Payments by bank cards are not accepted by the Consular Section at the Embassy.
- Personal checks are not accepted by the Consular Section at the Embassy.
- Online ETA payment must be paid with a valid debit or credit card only.
- Details
- Written by Super User
- Category: Consular
- Hits: 23602
Collection of Biometrics from the Passport Applicants applying through Sri Lanka Diplomatic Missions from January 1, 2018
As per Section 35(a) of the Immigrants and Emigrants Act No 20 of 1948 as amended in 2015, the Department of Immigration and Emigration(DIE) is required to obtain biometrics from passport applicants. Accordingly, the Department will be introducing a new procedure to obtain the Biometrics of passport holders whose passport has been issued through Sri Lanka Diplomatic Missions after January 01, 2018. The procedure requires every passport holder who is in the age group of 16- 60 years to provide biometrics (fingerprints and digital face image) to the Department upon his/her first entry to Sri Lanka on the new passport.
[image title="notice" size="full" id="11453" align="center" linkto="viewer" ]
Forms and Instructions can be found at the bottom of the page
Procedure for Biometric Collection
Step 1: On arrival, you should directly report to the Chief Immigration Officer (CIO), or the Immigration Officer at the primary counter will refer to the CIO.
Step 2: The CIO will issue you a Biometric Data Acquisition (BDA) Form with a unique number, in two copies. You are required to sign both forms, one of which will be given back to you. The BDA form should be produced at the Department for biometrics collection. Step 3: You may reserve an appointment for biometrics submission via the online appointment reservation system or visit the Department of Immigration and Emigration head office or regional office. Step 4: Visit the Overseas Mission Division of the Department of Immigration and Emigration (headquarters or regional office) and submit the BDA form. Step 5: The officers will guide you on providing biometrics. The estimated time of completion of the biometric enrollment process is 45 minutes. Step 6: Immediately after submission of biometrics, the Biometrics Declaration Form will be issued to the passport holder confirming that the collection of biometrics has been successfully completed. With the completion of this process, the system will automatically activate the passport, allowing your departure from Sri Lanka. For more information about the new procedure for biometrics collection, please visit www.immigration.gov.lk, contact the nearest Sri Lankan Diplomatic Mission, or the DIE Offices on following numbers:
Location | Address | Telephone |
Colombo | Overseas Mission Division, 2nd FloorDepartment of Immigration and Emigration "Suhurupaya", Sri Subhuthipura Road, Battaramulla. | +94 11 5329230 |
Matara | 9, Sri Vijaya Building, Rahula Road, Matara. | +94-41-5412212 |
Kandy | 42/3, Sangaraja Mawatha, Kandy. | +94-81-5624470, +94-81-5624509 |
Vavuniya | JC 23, Outer Circle Road, Vavuniya. | +94-25-5676344 |
Kurunegala | 129, Dambulla Road, Kurunegala |
[image title="button_instructions-in-sinhala" size="full" id="11460" align="center" linkto="http://slembassyusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Special-Instruction-form-sinhala.pdf" ] [image title="button_instructions-in-tamil" size="full" id="11461" align="center" linkto="http://slembassyusa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Special-Instruction-form-tamil.pdf" ]
2. Application for an emergency travel Document (NMRP)
3. Application for change the name in the passport after marriage