Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the United States, Mahinda Samarasinghe, inaugurated an exhibition of photographs and artwork by artists of Sri Lankan heritage – Chetana Senadhira (photographer) and Thushara Jayatilaka (artist) – on Saturday, 23 March 2024. The exhibition, tiled ‘Sri Lanka Through Lens and Brush’ was inaugurated by the Ambassador who addressed the gathering and referred to Ms. Senadhira and Jayatilaka as true Ambassadors of Sri Lanka. He said their activities facilitated people-to-people exchange and understanding that supplemented and strenthened formal multilateral and bilateral diplomatic relations. The artists are Sri Lankan-Americans, both belonging to the deaf community.
Ambassador Samarasinghe, recalled with appreciation the efforts of American nationals who had contributed to Sri Lanka, especially in the religious, cultural, health and education sectors, since the 19th Century. He also added that many Sri Lankan migrants had, over the years, contributed much to the United States in diverse fields of endeavor, assimilating into and enriching the American way of life. He lauded ongoing social and cultural exchange as beneficial and said it would help build stronger ties between the nations.
The exhibition was organized by the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Center, situated in Bethesda, Maryland. The event was hosted by Srimathi Karuna, Director of the Center. Chetana and Thushara are enthusiastic artists whose returns are shared with the deaf community in Sri Lanka. Several persons from the deaf community, diplomats and staff of the Embassy of Sri Lanka and members of the Sri Lankan community also participated.
Embassy of Sri Lanka
Washington D.C.
26 March, 2024