During Ambassador Samarasinghe’s official visit to Los Angeles, CA, Ambassador called on the prelates of 4 main Buddhist Temples in the Los Angeles area, Agga Maha Panditha Most Venerable Dr. Walpola Piyananda Nayaka Thero, Chief Sangha Nayaka of the United States of America and the Chief Incumbent of the Dharmavijaya Buddhist Vihara (Crenshaw Temple), Most Venerable Ambalantota Kolitha Nayaka Thero of the Sarathchandra Buddhist Center, North Hollywood, Most Venerable Pandit Ahangama Dhammarama Nayaka Thero, Chief Incumbent of the Los Angeles Buddhist Vihara (Covina Temple) in Los Angeles County and Most Venerable Bhante Chao Chu (Ven. Loluwagoda Gunarathane Thero) at the Los Angeles Buddhist Union. Ambassador Samarasinghe took the opportunity of discussing with the Venerable Maha Sangha, the current challenges faced by the people in Sri Lanka, and the plans to overcome those challenges. Ambassador also briefed the Maha Sangha about the steps being taken by the Embassy in Washington D. C. to celebrate 75 years of independence and 75 years of diplomatic relations with the United States. Associated with the Ambassador was the Consul General of Los Angeles Dr. Chandradasa and trade Counsellor Anil Sirimanna.